The Importance Of Inner Spiritual Guidance

As the world becomes rapidly more connected through technology, it is also becoming easier to become disconnected from our own selves. The necessary quiet time that develops our natural, inborn connection with intuition and spiritual guidance is no longer easily found in our daily lives, and this can cause feelings of overwhelm, meaninglessness, and an inner sense of disharmony and emptiness.

In today’s world, as we face unprecedented challenges both individually and collectively, there is also a very high level of daily stress that is constantly affecting our bodies, minds and emotions. Our daily lives are filled with intensity as we witness widespread social, political, and climate change, uncertainty about the future, and fear of the unknown.

If these weren’t enough, there is also the effect of greater spiritual light expanding on the Earth, which is helping us to awaken spiritually. But it is also creating a major cleansing process for us on all levels: spiritually, emotionally and physically. The pain of the past that we may have buried from our consciousness begins to surface into our awareness, bringing old feelings or physical symptoms to light.

We are all developing ways to cope with the increased levels of stress in our lives today. There are many spiritual tools and transformational supports that can assist you in reclaiming your inner connection with yourself. Once you create an intention to reconnect with your inner being, you will begin to draw to yourself the people, situations, and supports you need.

One of the most useful and simple ways to navigate through these very intense times is to develop a deeper connection with your natural intuitive spiritual guidance. Inner guidance is a gift from our soul to our embodied, human self which we all have access to. Some of us are more attuned to this part of ourselves, especially those who are artists, musicians, athletes, or whose work involves healing. Some of us may have learned to “turn off” this inner gift, because of childhood pressure to conform to social standards.

No matter how connected or disconnected you may feel from your inner spiritual guidance, everyone has the capacity to nurture, develop and strengthen this important part of ourselves. Living with an active and awake inner spiritual guidance offers us the opportunity to perceive and experience a whole new creative dimension of life. The universe of spiritual reality is vast and when intuition is activated, new experiences begin to open and create vaster and more meaningful possibilities.

In addition to expanding our daily experience of life, developing intuition and spiritual guidance serves to create a depth of connection to inner truth. If you’ve ever witnessed the simple and profound clarity of truth that comes from small children who have not yet learned to censor their inner guidance, you’ll have some idea of what is possible for yourself.

In today’s world where there are many sources of information that may or may not be accurate or truthful, your spiritual guidance and intuition can offer a clarity of direction in situations where it may not otherwise be possible to know what is real. As your intuition becomes more highly developed, you will be able to sense the presence of or the lack of love, light and warmth in people. You will be able to more easily discern what feels true or false to you, beyond the words that people say or the appearances that are presented.

In today’s world there is much at stake, and many choices are presented to us each day about who to listen to, and where to place our attention, time, and trust. If we are disconnected from ourselves and the center of our own being, then it is easier for us to be swayed in directions that depart from love and truth, that we may later regret. Developing our inner spiritual guidance offers the precious gift of discernment, allowing us to see clearly what is true and what is not, and to navigate more easily in the great complexities and challenges that we face in today’s world.

Via Modern Mystic